Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thing 20 Libraries and Social Networks

I spent quite a bit of time with the tutorials about facebook, and I guess that is the way for me to learn. They are quite detailed which is what I need as I am not electronically intuitive.

After filling out a little of the facebook profile and posting to my one friend, I joined the 2.0 Library group. It seems a little sophisticated for me but I may grow into it. The reason facebook is growing so fast probably is that it is so appealing to teens. It has some guidelines that make you feel safe, but is loose enough that kids can connect to a lot of other kids. I will have to discuss with my 'friend', who is my 16 yr old library aide, what point there is in 'poking' or 'gifting' friends. (I recently watched for the first time "Lonesome Dove" and the meaning of poking was somewhat different...) Whether or not the reputation is deserved depends on the numbers. It is interesting that there are websites to encourage business people to make specialized use of facebook.

Myspace as used by the linked libraries seemed to be an interesting way to appeal to teens. I didn't notice how frequently it was updated, and that would seem to be key. No one wants to be reading old news. As for using myspace at my library, the challenge would be making it exciting and current.

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