Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thing 17 You Tube

YouTube is a fun site for me because I have a delightful granddaughter who is great in the movies. My son has posted some of her 'firsts' and I was able to post a video of her feeding herself.
When I explored YouTube for myself, I chose library as a topic, and got a short list of mostly humorous (sort of) videos. I selected Betty Glover Library Workout Tape because when I viewed the March of the Librarians, I noticed that a good many of them could use regular workouts. Of course in the process of adding the video to my blog, I messed up as usual and added it twice. But it's there, unlike many other attempted additions.

I find the video sites cluttered to look at. The Yahoo site seemed the most straightforward, but as with all of these things, the more familiar you are, the less the clutter bothers.
I would like to see our IT department put together an informational video or slide show explaining the attributes of the computer towers (we learn by what our patrons can tell us regarding microphone plugs and ubs (right initials???) ports. For first timers, all it would take is a quick run through to be knowledgeable.

From quickly reading about Jumpcut, this sounds like the tool we need to combine our resources.

1 comment:

marylibrary said...

A viewer may have noticed that this is mis-numbered. Sorry....