Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing 4 Flickr

I have been trying to come up with photo ideas for Thing 4, but find I haven't got on hand the type of photos that lend themselves to a library oriented blog. My gardening, quilting and baby photos just don't make it. But I've tried making a trading card and it isn't difficult. Printing them on cardboard may be a challenge... There are choices of icons--must investigate that.

Plans include taking a couple library pictures, uploading and going from there. Super Bowl Sunday is a good time for this.


luvbooks said...

I want to thank you for your encouragement and explain that cvillemn's comments on my blog were in jest. That is my daughter who really is very supportive giving me some cyber ribbing after I told her about my new blog.
This whole process has been both challenging and fun, hasn't it?

LeAnn said...

If you don't find that Flickr is useful for your library photos, you might find that it's a useful source to show your patrons how to use just like you might use it, for gardening pictures and family pictures. It's a great source!

LeAnn Suchy
CMLE 23 Things Coach