Monday, February 4, 2008

More thing 4

I found a nifty sudoku game with hamster pictures on Flickr, and enjoyed playing it. When I tried to import it to my Google Reader, I got sudoku mishmash (mashup?) but not the game I had intended to select. A mystery.

I also tried to sign up for YouTube, wanting to put some of the videos of my granddaughter on it so relatives can see her grow. I tried twice, and neither time was I able to continue (they send an approval of some sort to your email address, and I wasn't approved. Does it have something to do with my credit rating? My looks? My personal antipathy with to electronics?

I will continue....

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm not sure I understand the problem you're having...if you want more help with it, explain it a bit more here. Or, email us more info about it at and we'll get back to you with any ideas we have for ya!